The Freebie centers on Darren (Shepard) and Annie (Aselton), a young married couple with an enviable relationship built on love trust and communication. Darren and Annie still enjoy each other’s company and laugh at each other’s jokes, but, unfortunately, they can’t remember the last time they had sex. When a dinner party conversation leads to an honest discussion about the st...
拉扎罗(阿德里亚诺·塔尔迪奥洛 饰)是一位内心单纯的年轻农民,坦克雷迪(卢卡·奇科瓦尼 饰)则是一位骄横的年轻贵族。他在Inviolata这座与世隔绝的小城内生活,这个城镇则由侯爵夫人阿诺西纳·德·卢娜(尼可莱塔·布拉斯基 饰)所统治。年轻的农民和年轻的贵族相遇并成为好友。某天,坦克雷迪自导自演了一场绑架戏码,希望骗到母亲的赎金,不料最终引来了警察……
「んぶっ!!んむぅうう゛ーーっじゅるっんぼっ ああ…おいしい・これは息子の…コウちゃんのち○ぽ…私息子のち○ぽしゃぶって悦んでる…」 夫に先立たれた未亡人の冴子、義息の康太、娘の千春 ごく普通の母子家庭であった司馬家は、康太が冴子の自慰を目撃した夜を境に崩壊した。 康太が義母・冴子と義妹・千春を性奴隷として調教し始めてから数日。 夫を亡くしたために欲を持て余し、今や快楽を貪るばかりの冴子に対して 千春は未だに戸惑い、抵抗を続けていたが…? ハードなSM描写を余すことなくモーションコミックに。第2話はプレイもモーションも更に過激!?
Wulan, a supermarket employee, is abandoned by her irresponsible boyfriend after finding out about her early pregnancy. Wulan needs to take responsibility for herself and her unborn child. Wulan's desperation leads her to “Support Pregnancy” online group that claims as a pro-life volunteer. The group introduces Wulan to the wealthy Santoso family who wanted to adopt her unborn child and takecare of her pregnancy in their house. During her stay, eerie circumstances slowly unfolds as Wulan begins to witness the Santosos’ strange and unusual behaviors with their traditional Javanese occult belief. Little that she knows, the Santoso family has a sinister plan for Wulan and her unborn child.
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