举世闻名的辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役胜利后,西柏坡军民欢庆胜利。三大战役的胜利使蒋家王朝摇摇欲坠,蒋介石(孙飞虎 饰)发表“新年文告”、推出李宗仁(邵宏来 饰)任代总统,导演了一幕假隐退真操纵的丑剧。1949年1月21日,蒋介石由汤恩伯(叶庆林 饰)、蒋经国(陈国典 饰)等陪同,最后一次登上中山陵,之后又在其老家奉化溪口主持了高级军事会议,妄图阻止解放军过长江。3月,中共七届二中全会召开,4月,毛泽东(古月 饰)与朱德(刘怀正 饰)。总司令发出了向全国进军的命令。人民解放军百万雄师强渡长江,攻占总统府,南京胜利解放。5月24日,蒋介石逃往台湾。5月26日,上海解放。随后,全国大部分地区和城市都获得解放。毛泽东先后在中南海会见了国民党起义将领和各界民主人士。开国大典迫在眉睫......
为全身心投入创作,美丽迷人的作家珍妮弗(莎拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)驱车来到一个偏僻乡间撰写小说。她的绰约身子在当地俨然一道靓丽乃至刺眼的风景,自然吸引了许多人的注意和妄念。她闲适恬淡的心情并未持续多久,似乎总有无数双眼睛在背后紧紧注视着她。某晚,与珍妮弗有过一面之缘的加油站工人乔尼(杰夫·布兰森 Jeff Branson 饰)带领伙伴们闯入她的房间,虽然她奋力反抗,但在这片法外之地,她仍无法逃脱被侮辱的命运,更遭到无数的虐待。这些禽兽般的男人没有想到,他们的恶行致令珍妮弗化身为残酷无情的复仇女神……
The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doc... (展开全部) The story revolves around MINTY, a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate, which is a good source of antioxidants. One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil mastermind. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doctor Brain Bender's paranormal building to defeat several unusual villains: CAPTAIN CAPABILITY, a freak of nature; SENSATIONAL NINJA, an effeminate assassin; RAT MONSTER, a depressed mutant; BRUCE ZEE, a psycho martial artist; MOLLY LEVIATHAN, a sensual super vixen; ZEN COWBOY, a blindfolded gunslinger; and DOUBLE DELICIOUS, an intellectual lesbian vampire. Along this wild odyssey, Minty educates her adversaries on the fascinating world of natural science and then uses her beauty, her brains, and pure brutality to demonstrate the biological theory of the survival of the fittest. Minty: The Assassin is an artsy indie film that honors the wonderful B-movies that pushed the boundaries of American cinema. It pays homage to the underrated. The film respects the soul of what makes B-movies entertaining. Instead of being restricted by a convoluted storyline, Minty: The Assassin focuses on characters -- outrageous personalities that say and do some really unconventional things.
意剧《Noi》改编自美剧《This is us》。第一集中Rebecca在分娩时出现了意外情况;Claudio也因为积压在内心的痛苦终于做出了他一直想做的决定;Cate为了减肥参加互助小组认识了新的异性朋友;Daniele终于找到了曾经抛弃他的亲生父亲…@弯弯字幕组原创翻译中意双语
本片讲述了香港新界围村陆氏家族在房产开发交易黑幕后的故事。故事开始于村民罗永就(古天乐 饰)醉酒撞死了异姓兄弟陆永远(钱嘉乐 饰),陆永远之妻月华(周迅 饰)从此与他势不两立。罗永就5年后出狱,发现陆氏家族大家长陆瀚涛(曾江 饰)和其女陆永瑜(叶璇 饰),以及女婿(黄磊 饰)已经坐拥新界最大房产公司,而陆家兄弟陆金强(刘青云 饰)、陆永富(方中信 饰)等人则疯狂扩张势力。不久香港房产巨鳄邀请罗永就“共商大事”。同时,神秘人阿祖(吴彦祖 饰)透露给月华一个通过窃听得到的秘密消息,他告诉月华要想在这场欺天阴谋中复仇,就必须按照他的指示去做…… 于是几方势力都开始暗自行动。 本片是《窃听风云》系列的第三部,但是除了“窃听”这一核心创意外,故事内容与前两部无关。
Sophie's 18th birthday party becomes a bloodbath when six terrifying monsters descend upon her house, intent on devouring the party guests and killing anyone who tries to leave. As her school friends are torn apart and eaten, Sophie must rally a band of misfits and take up arms to send their party crashers back to hell. To survive the night, Sophie will face her destiny; monsters are real - and she's the only one who can stop them.
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