Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh l... (展开全部) Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh light, the rock, the bare landscapes and the military exercises, on the one hand, sensuality and constrictions, on the other. Because of her occupation, Evdokia both attracts and repels the sergeant. The petit bourgeois environment, the lumpen elements, the social fringes and petty interests stifle the young couple, which appears to want to rebel, but doesn't succeed.
小瓶盖因母亲因交通意外离世被送到泰瑞莎之家。同院的小泽亚一直守护着她直到被SET董事长徐若谷接走,临走前约好回来接她,但等他再次回来时小瓶盖己离开。多年后,学成回国的徐泽亚(许绍洋 饰) 已经成了SET电视公司的总经理,而他人生继续下去只剩下与“小瓶盖”的约定。在寻找小瓶盖的过程中他在海豚湾邂逅了易天边(张韶涵 饰) ,天边坚强乐观的个性吸引着他,两人间似乎产生了情愫。 金牌制作人钟晓刚(霍建华 饰) 要做一张《漫步云端》的专辑,一直在寻找理想的声音。酷爱音乐的天边有一把动人的嗓子,梦想成为歌星,经过层层筛选取得SET的歌唱比赛表格,最终成为《漫步云端》的演唱者。 而SET董事长徐若谷似乎也隐藏着另一个众人所不知道的秘密,泽亚是否能追寻已久的真相呢?他能否找到当年的小瓶盖呢?
凌风(张智霖 饰)和好友樊毅(王阳明 饰)同为缉毒警察,两人是共同出生入死的好兄弟。然而某一日,传来了樊毅死亡的消息,凌风则成为了最大的嫌疑人,还背负上了勾结毒贩的污名。凌风知道,能够证明他清白的只有...
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.
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