很久很久以前,来自遥远星系的比克大魔王及其手下大猩猩来到地球为非作歹,无恶不作,令人民时刻被死亡的阴影所困扰。此后一群优秀的武术家研究出魔封波,将比克大魔王封印,世界重归光明。 当代美国某座城市,看似孱弱不堪的青年悟空(贾斯汀·查特文 Justin Chatwin 饰)自幼随爷爷悟饭(兰德尔·杜克·金 Randall Duk Kim 饰)学习武术,但是爷爷禁止他将一身功夫用于好勇斗狠上面,所以悟空在学校饱受欺负与嘲笑。在一个毫无征兆的日子里,比克大魔王(詹姆斯·马斯特斯 James Marsters 饰)意外复活,而悟饭则因此毙命。悲伤的悟空按照爷爷的嘱咐前去寻找龟仙人(周润发 饰)和七颗龙珠,以阻止比克的野心。有关地球命运的冒险由此展开……
JUVENILE COURT shows the complex variety of the cases before the Memphis Juvenile Court foster home placement, drug abuse, armed robbery, child abuse and sexual offenses. The sequences illustrate such issues as community protection vs. the desire for rehabilitation, the range and the limits of the choices available to the court, the psychology of the offender, and the constitutional and procedural questions involved in administering a juvenile court.
天赋异禀的六扇门女捕快袁今夏(谭松韵 饰)因为一桩案件和性情狠辣的锦衣卫陆绎(任嘉伦 饰)结下梁子,今夏本以为此生与他再无交集,奈何冤家路窄。朝廷十万两修河款不翼而飞,今夏奉命协助陆绎一起下扬州查案,...
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.
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