乡间恶霸杜天道(陈观泰)因其儿子杜常(鹿峰)被天南三虎斩去双臂性格变得更加暴戾,村民稍有令他不满的举动,就会立刻出手伤人。 陈顺(郭追)、胡阿贵(孙建)、韦打铁(罗莽)均因不足一提的小事无意间得罪杜天道,被其先后挖盲双目、斩断双腿、毒哑打聋。立志为他们出气的王翼(江生)被杜天道重创头脑成为疯癫失常之人。四个身体残缺的人潜入深山找到王翼师父求其传授了武功,一场发生在立志报仇的四人与两大狠毒高手之间的生死战展开。
麦兜电影版的第五部作品,春田花花幼稚园出现了史无前例的经济困难。即使校长(黄秋生 配音)和陈老师(许飞 配音)以及麦太(吴君如 配音)等家长使出浑身解数也没法解决。于是学校召开了一次校友筹款晚会,但是长大成人的校友们都没什么出息,欣慰的是校长无意之中发现了麦兜等小朋友的音乐天赋。经过挫折,校长终于找到了胶牌经理人(郑中基 配音)为小朋友合唱团打理事宜,演出大获成功通告不断。可惜最后关头经理人失踪,合唱团并没有为学校带来大收益。可校长在最后一场演出中发现了惊喜,春田花花幼稚园也还有成功的校友存在,众校友再一次感到了人生的真谛。
An investment banker (Paul Mercurio) travels to Louisiana to snag the account of an eccentric millionaire (Malcolm McDowell) but gets involved with his lusty wife, Mardi Gras, and (possibly) a satanic cult. The events in and around New Orleans change him forever and give a new slant on The American Dream.
When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just may turn his life around and reclaim his love of the game.
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